Tag Archives: twilight zone

Strange Black Holes to Fall Through

Ran into this fascinating video by the film makers Phil Sansom and Olly Williams about suddenly appearing black holes you can fall or climb through…

If this happens to our clueless office worker right there at work, could it not also happen to a boy of 11 and his little sister?

And, indeed, it has. These events are cronicled in the “Underlander Chronicles” by Suzanne Collins, a series of book that I can only warmly recommend if you are a parent who likes to read to the off-spring. The first book, Gregor the Overlander, got into our hands at a second hand book store for a mere quarter – you just have to recognize a treasure when it finds you. We read this chapter by chapter as good night literature and had to continue with the second book immediately. Today we finished this one and now we have a problem how to quickly get the third one.

Just in case you are looking for this as well, here are all the five books in the series (wondering if there is a number 6 in the works)…