TARDIS (Type 40 TT capsule)
Time and Relative Dimension in Space
When the first long batch of Dr. Who ran, I was still in Germany and, somehow, I never encountered it. I might have known about it, and even though I have always been a science fiction buff, it never entered my life.
But since the revival in March 2006 with Christopher Eccleston as the new Doctor and Billie Piper as the new companion, Rose, I have been hooked and not missed a single episode.
There is quite a bit to learn from the Doctor, in all his incarnations since that revival and I found this nice collections of nuggets:
- Always stand up for what is right-no matter the odds.
- Never be afraid to act ridiculous.
- Sometimes, winning is no fun at all.
- Time is not a straight line – its all wibbly-wobbly.
- A longer life isn’t always a better one.
- Never knowingly be serious.
- Everybody dies -this is unavoidable.
- Time is not the boss of you.
- Be proud of your beliefs – and your fashion sense.
- Not all victories are about saving the universe.
- The greatest weapon is your mind.
- Every species and individual has the right to live – even if they are an insane genocidal madman.
- The most ordinary person can change the world.
- Nothing’s impossible – just highly unlikely.
- When it comes to living, it’s not the time that matters, it’s the person.
- The most amazing things in life come in small packages.
- The good things in life don’t always make up for the bad, but the bad doesn’t always spoil the good.
- Knowledge can make you a powerful person.
- Your life may seem boring, but remember, not everybody can have a normal life like yours.
- There’s always a better way.
- Being alone can be good at times – but sometimes, you need someone.
- Love can span the entire length of time and across the universe … and even across realities.
- It doesn’t matter what you look like – you can be a hero, a fantastic person and eternally cool.
- Arrogance and self-righteousness will usually lead to a fall from grace.
- Sometimes there isn’t a baddie – just people trying to do what they think is right.
- Talking nonsense can conceal important facts.
- Improvisation can save your life.
- Never ignore a coincidence … unless you’re busy.
- There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t act childish every once in a while.
- The most simple things can fuel and terrify your imagination.
- Faith is a great thing to have, but it can sometimes kill you.
- When it’s time to go – remember the best.
- The universe is vast and complicated and really very, very beautiful.
And I have to contribute one here that I learned from the last Doctor, Matt Smith:
35. Bow ties are cool!