Category Archives: Video

Amazing Photography

For your enjoyment, another slideshow of most amazing photography…

God Loves You

Got a new – video uploaded – notification from Youtube today, titled Speculum.

First on watching I was not quite sure what to make of this. Was that another message from some wise race that is talking to mediums to tell us that eventually they will save us?

But soon it became clear what the message was and I liked the use of a fable to get the message across.

This reminded me of a George Carlin bit that I meant to look up for a long time in which he tells us that god will punish us for any infraction of his law by making us burn in hell – – but that he loves us!

So, here this George Carlin piece first…

and then Speculum…

How any Idiot can beat a Radar Ticket

This article is more for my own benefit, so that I can find it again later should I need to refer to it.

But as I am writing this, mostly for the links to the videos below, I thought to expand a bit, just in case you reach this page by accident. The chances are slim because there are so many more established sources for this info that it is a minor miracle that google would send you here instead to those older links.

My added value to the information below is that you first have to get out of your mind that you did anything wrong by breaking the ‘law.’ There is chances that you did not break the law and it was just a crooked cop below his quota who gave you a ticket anyways but chances are good that you actually went too fast – pretty much all of us do – with the hope not to get caught.

Where the shift in your mind has to come is that deep inner feeling that you actually did something wrong. I am not talking about a situation where you went 90 through a school zone with a high probability of kids playing on the road. That, I would consider criminal because your chances are high that you truly harm another person. I am talking about random rules of men in black robes that say that you can only go 65 mph on that wide open, straight road where you car could safely make 95 without endangering anybody or anything.

If you are a responsible person who would stand up for his actions you do not need a nanny to tell you what you can and can not do and punish you when you break this recommendation. If you own yourself – and I hope you don’t believe otherwise – there is nobody who could possibly tell you what you can or can not do. If somebody tries then you have no more obligation to obey than you have to give your wallet to the mugger you encounter in the dark alley.

It might be prudent to do what the mugger asks you to do (better to lose your wallet than your life) but you would not feel any obligation to obey. To the same tune it is prudent to look out for a cop with a radar gun behind that bush on the side of the road and it might also be prudent to pay a fine if that saves you sanity and a drawn out court battle that cost more of your time than it’s worth – but don’t feel any obligation because you have broken a ‘law’ pushed upon you by some ‘authority.’ Simply, because there is no authority over you if you are not a slave but own yourself.

Armed with this changed state of mind you will be stronger to resist at any possible opportunity to resist legalized muggery and make the mugger follow at least his own rules.

Now, let’s see what a paralegal pastor – what an interesting combination – has to reach us in this classic video series. Some of the things might not be current any more, but take this as a start and don’t feel like an owned subject to ‘authority’ any more.

Here is the first video of a series of 12…

and here is the playlist of all 12.

The Dangers of Organic Food

I have to admit that I found the following video only because of my anarchistic tendency and state of mind.

I read something about that woman in the white house – and how she had over stepped her role once again. Found out it was not all that bad – and the most satirical was from Jon Steward…

Cat Videos Can Make up to 30 Percent of Internet Traffic

This is a number that nearly blew my mind but after serious consideration and a bit of research and good old fashioned investigation I have come to the conclusion that this number is not an understatement: 30% of internet traffic IS cat videos!

After finding the main source of all this traffic through this ground breaking documentary…

… I now believe that this is actually a great justification for the existence of the internet at large.

We have heard rumors that porn is driving innovations like home movies in the 50s and 60s and the VHS tape in the 70s and 80s, followed by the internet – but this smut can not stand up to the clean enjoyment of cat videos reaching each and every house on this PLANET. I am convinced that we would also find cat videos behind the wide spread of the VHS tape in the 70s and beyond, and not the porn!

Without doubt, cat videos are even the main trust behind bringing the internet into 3rd world countries.